DEAR HARRIETTE: I have this incredible job I’ve always wanted, but I’m just not happy.

Harriette Cole 

When I was young and people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said I wanted to make clothes. I love fashion. I love to draw new designs, and I know how to sew and bring a drawing to life.

I now have a dream job working with an upscale fashion line adding my taste and ideas to everything and getting to see it come alive. But once I see my ideas in magazines or on TV and in the stores, I no longer have the thrill I thought I would. Now, I am not even sure if fashion is really what I want to do anymore!

How did I stop loving the only thing I have ever seen myself doing, and where do I go from here? I want to enjoy my job, but fashion is feeling like robotic work now, and I want more.

Changing My Design

DEAR CHANGING MY DESIGN: One thing many people have said about being quarantined during COVID-19 is that they have taken time to assess their lives. It sounds like you are doing that right now and feeling the need to make adjustments.

Rather than doing anything rash, start doing research. Figure out where your passions lie now. What interests you? You may want to take a class to learn a new skill to prepare for a different type of work. It’s also possible that you may want to add a hobby to your schedule to help balance your time rather than walking away from your career. Give yourself a timeline of six months to a year to actively assess what’s next for you.

DEAR HARRIETTE: COVID has taken a heavy toll on everything lately. I thought it’d be over already, but unfortunately it’s not. I am running out of options as to where to look for child care. My parents are deceased, my child’s father is in and out of the military and I don’t have much family.

Day care facilities always have incidents, so I am very wary of sending my child to such a place. Where do you think I can find adequate child care services? How can I make it easier to trust day care providers, given the stories I’ve been hearing?

A Hand in Need

DEAR A HAND IN NEED: You must be vigilant in shopping for safe and healthy day care.

Set aside time to do extensive research. You can call the Child Care Aware hotline (800-424-2246) to find your local child care resource and referral agency, which can refer you to licensed centers and home day cares in your area. Ask your friends and neighbors for referrals. Visit any center that you are seriously considering. Learn their COVID-19 policies and safety practices. Ultimately, you will have to trust your gut, too.

If you cannot work from home, you will have to choose the center that best matches your criteria and stay on top of them. For more ideas read:

Harriette Cole is a lifestylist and founder of DREAMLEAPERS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams. You can send questions to or c/o Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.