Now that Kate McKinnon has dropped out of “The Dropout,” we’re left to wonder: Who’s up for playing disgraced Silicon Valley CEO Elizabeth Holmes?

McKinnon, a “Saturday Night live” cast member, reportedly has departed the Hulu limited series based on the ABC News/ABC Radio’s podcast about the rise and fall of Holmes and her company, Theranos.

Kate McKinnon (AP) 

Back in May, 2019, Hulu confirmed that it had green-lit “The Dropout” with McKinnon in the lead role. But with production slated to begin this summer, she backed out — a move first reported by No reason was announced for her departure.

The search is now underway for a new actress to play the woman who famously dropped out of Stanford to start a company she claimed would revolutionize the healthcare industry by providing people with quick, low-cost, early detection of diseases and infection using a simple drop of blood.

Once valued at $9 billion, Theranos eventually collapsed amid reports its technology didn’t work. It has been described as a “massive fraud” by federal regulators.

McKinnon’s departure bums us out. We were looking forward to seeing how the “SNL” funny lady would handle such a heavy role.

But surely there are a number of actresses in Hollywood who would jump at the chance to play Holmes. So who should get the part? Well, we know it can’t be Jennifer Lawrence, who has already committed to playing Holmes in a big-screen version of the scandalous story.

Preferably, it should be someone young — or be able to play young (Holmes dropped out of Stanford at 19), and blonde (though she could dye her hair), and possess a pair of wide, penetrating eyes.

Oh, and she shouldn’t be allergic to wearing Steve Jobs-like black turtlenecks all the time.

Don’t laugh, but the first woman who came to our mind was Kaley Cuoco of “The Big Bang Theory.” Like McKinnon, she’s mostly known for her comedic roles. But she wowed us recently in HBO Max’s “The Flight Attendant” and showed that she definitely has some impressive dramatic chops. At 35, Cuoco’s pushing the age thing, but, of course, she looks much younger.

Other possibilities? How about Phoebe Dynevor, who has been generating lots of buzz in Netflix’s “Bridgerton.” She’d have to lose the British accent, though. And then there’s Shailene Woodley, the new fiancee of NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers. She was very impressive in HBO’s “Big Little Lies.”

We’ll throw a few more at you: Amber Heard, Brie Larson, Kate Upton, Amanda Seyfried and Blake Lively. All are more than capable, we think.

And then there’s Anya Taylor-Joy, the woman who absolutely killed it in Netflix’s crazy-popular hit “The Queen’s Gambit.” She definitely has the eyes for it!

But what if Hulu wants to make some BIG headlines with a totally out-of-the-box, oh-wow bit of casting? What if they recruited … wait for it … TAYLOR SWIFT? Could she pull it off? Could Hulu even afford her?

While the search goes on, let us know if you have any great suggestions. We’re throwing out the casting net far and wide.

Meanwhile, we’re still wondering what caused McKinnon to drop out. After all, when she was first cast, she raved to reporters about the chance to play Holmes.

“Any time I hear people talking about Elizabeth Holmes, whether they’re ripping her to shreds or not, they’re smiling,” she said at the time. “People love Liz Holmes, … So I’m so excited to get under the hood of this character and really find out what makes her tick.”