
10 Movies That Feel Like a Nightmare - MovieWeb

Skydiving, roller coasters, swimming with sharks, and horror movies all have one thing in common: they scare people. Each activity raises one's adrenaline levels, and many people even enjoy the temporary thrill of being frightened. Watching a scary movie in a theater with dozens of other people around or even from the comfort of one's own home has the least amount of potential physical harm to an individual, but the psychological torture can last a lifetime. There are movies like The Exorcist, The Ring, and The Grudge that have had people sleeping with the lights on and questioning shadows at night, but what about the films that frighten people to the core while they are actually watching the screen?

Some films feel like a total nightmare from beginning to end. Scenes, characters, and storylines can be so surreal that audience members have to look away and remember that their fear is just the product of amazing writing and acting. Everyone who works on a movie wants audiences to fully immerse themselves into the story, but that can come with some very real fear that lingers longer than the film itself.

Check out these 10 movies that feel like a total nightmare while you watch them.

10 Hereditary (2018)

Annie screams at Peter

Beginning a film with a death and a funeral is not uncommon, but making that single event the most normal thing to happen in a movie is rather disturbing. Hereditary starts out as a grieving family film that follows typical dramatic elements: dark lighting, limited interactions between characters, and an overall melancholy mood.

However, things take a turn when the youngest of the family, Charlie, goes into anaphylactic shock after ingesting nuts at a party. Her brother Peter speeds down the road to get her to the hospital, but an accidental tragedy occurs that leaves Charlie headless. Demons, supernatural forces, and a deranged coven come into play, and while people watch this film, they cannot help but cringe at the horror that takes place on the screen.

9 Us (2019)

Lupita Nyong’o in Us (2019)
Universal Pictures

When bad or traumatizing things happen to children, their minds often repress the event to the point that they do not recall what exactly happened even as they grow into adulthood. Unfortunately, this was not fully the case for Addy in Us; her strange childhood encounter comes back in full force with vengeance.

When Addy was a young girl, she met her doppelgänger in a funhouse, and her life was changed forever. She never told anyone about the experience until 33 years later, when doppelgängers begin popping up to kill their lookalikes. The development of this film is frightening, and the plot twist in the end will make people question the memories they have stored away.

8 The Strangers (2008)

The Strangers
Universal Pictures

If horror movies have taught fans anything, it is that isolated cabins and homes in the woods are never a safe place to be. While most killers seem to have a vengeful reason for going after their targets, the masked strangers in The Strangers are calm when they tell a tortured couple that their reason for harming them is simply because they were home.

The premise of the movie is completely frightening because it reminds people that there are plenty of sick and twisted individuals in the world who want to purposely hurt and kill others for their own thrill. Monsters are not werewolves, vampires, and ghosts; they are the people who live down the road living their own lives and acting like everything is normal. The true nightmare is that things like this do really happen in the world.

Related: The Most Intense Nightmare Scenes in Movies, Ranked

7 Insidious (2010)

The Ghosts in Insidious

Creating a dream or nightmare-like scene is not easy to do. Writers and directors have to consider how the dialogue will be believable, how the emotions will feel authentic, and how to create an eerie feeling without making anything feel cheesy or fake.

When it came to creating "The Further," a purgatory dimension where tortured spirits of the dead go to be in a comatose state, the Insidious crew did an excellent job. Audiences are able to enter into the terrifying world with Josh as he desperately looks for his son, and it feels like something right out of a nightmare. Characters are grotesque, and Josh's uncertainty about his own safety can be felt through the screen.

6 The Woman in Black (2012)

Momentum Pictures, CBS Films, Alliance Films & Svensk Filmindustri

Telling ghost stories around the campfire is one thing, but choosing to stay in a town with a vengeful dark spirit is a whole other ordeal. Daniel Radcliffe stars as a widowed lawyer named Arthur in the period film, The Woman in Black, where he shows up to an isolated house surrounded by marsh to collect documents of its deceased owner.

While in town, Arthur experiences weird occurrences where he sees a ghostly woman in funeral attire and hears strange noises. Eventually, Arthur discovers that local children are dying by their own hands due to the spirit in the estate. One's lack of control is often what feeds nightmares, and Arthur's inability to help and do right by everyone makes this film frightening.

5 Mother! (2017)

Jennifer Lawrence Mother 2017 Protozoa
Protozoa Pictures

There are times when dreams and nightmares make absolutely no sense, and the writers and directors of Mother! picked up on this and ran with it. Mother! is a biblical allegory that depicts God as the character named "Him," Mother Earth as "Mother," and Adam and Eve are called "Man" and "Woman." Then there are people who, through their love and loyalty to Him's work, destroy and rip apart Mother's beautiful creations — her warm and welcoming home as well as her own newborn child.

The film's message is told in an interesting and unique way, but as emotions rise and people become more devote to Him, the storyline takes a horribly dark and surreal turn.

4 Hush (2016)

Hush movie mask

While Hush follows many elements of the standard "slasher film equation," there is one component that makes this story much more terrifying than other slasher movies: the protagonist, Maddie, is deaf. When a scene is meant to be from Maddie's perspective, audiences are able to step into her shoes and feel the real fear of what it is like to lose their sense of hearing while desperately needing it to survive.

Many audience members are able to hear, so taking away that key sense along with the ability to speak — Maddie is also mute due to vocal cord paresis — this single night event is someone's biggest nightmare.

Related: The Scariest Sensory Deprivation Horror Movies, Ranked

3 Dead Silence (2007)

Dead Silence ventriloquist dummy
Twisted Pictures

Plenty of people are a bit uneasy around dolls and puppets, and movies like Dead Silence justify their fears. After Jamie and his wife Lisa receive a ventriloquist doll named Billy, Lisa is brutally killed, and her tongue is cut out of her mouth. Jaime returns to his hometown to plan for Lisa's funeral, but he quickly learns that a deceased ventriloquist named Mary Shaw, whom his family had a bad history with, is out for blood.

Jamie's great uncle made fun of Mary Shaw when she was alive, and she killed him. In turn, his family cut out her tongue and murdered her. Josh learns that people are puppets in disguise, and it feels like absolutely no one can be trusted in this nightmarish film.

2 The Hills Have Eyes (2006)

Scene from The Hills Have Eyes
Fox Searchlight Pictures

Area 51 and nuclear test sites are intriguing to the general population because there are so many "what if" questions that come with mysterious places. In the sandy hills of New Mexico's desert in The Hills Have Eyes, there turns out to be an abandoned mining town that was used for nuclear testing.

The Carter family quickly learns about this old place as their car breaks down on a road trip, and mutants come to kill, mate with, and feed on them. While the creatures are indeed human, exposure to nuclear chemicals and possible inbreeding has turned them into savage animals that audience hope only exist in twisted imaginations and nightmares.

1 The Girl Next Door (2007)

The Girl Next Door
Starz Home Entertainment

Based on the real-life murder of Sylvia Likens, The Girl Next Door depicts the horrific actions of a woman, her sons, and their friends against two young girls who deserved love and friendship. In the movie, Meg and her sister Susan live with their Aunt Ruth and her three sons after their parents are killed in a car accident.

Ruth takes an immediate disliking to the girls and feels like they are her competition with the local neighborhood boys. She and many of the boys take turns harming the elder sister, Meg, to the point where she does not have the will to live. It would be better to know that this story was made up, but unfortunately, it was a real-life nightmare for two sisters in need.

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